Submit your song to a total reach of 15000 radio stations*
*Our database contains radio stations of all types, including local and regional FM radio stations, major terrestrial stations, Internet radio, and college radio. However, satellite and non-interactive streaming stations such as iHeart, Pandora and SiriusXM are usually not included.
Return on investment: All radio stations pay royalties to organizations such as ASCAP, BMI, SoundExchange, etc.
Campaign duration: 6 weeks
Guaranteed airplay
Weekly report
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Number of plays: It is in the nature of organic music promotion that the results can vary. The number of plays depends on the success of the song. However, the data we’ve collected since 2015 lets us estimate 140 to 8000 plays.
Just as importantly, those organic plays can help generate passive traffic as listeners shazam, and play the song on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and other providers. This activity can bring more listeners to Spotify and other streaming providers.